welcome back gonzoids..

Welcome back.

So after the small coup d'etat of the winter months we are back with new editors; namely the infamous Hector "Hollywood" Swanson who will keep the line open from L.A. while Dr. Zimbadean will hold the fort in London, UK.

Should be a good combo. Let's K.O. the lies of political snakes from both sides of the pond.

We will be continuing the Artists of the World Unite series, the next installment of which will go live in a week.

Aside this expect gonzo journalism and all the other poetic-prose that the Gonzo Media Archives entail as well as snap shots of the cultural degredation we are seeing at the hands of the Federal Reserve and other privately owned Central Banks world wide that are turning this great planet into a Nazi wet dream.

Happy Hunting.

Hector "Hollywood" Swanson
Dr. Zimbadean.