The Gonzo Media Archives are back online with new management in the form of Hector "Hollywood" Swanson and the outspoken Dr. Zimbadean. Enjoy.
Apologies for the down time. We had some sites shut down by domain owners for no apparent reason. We can only guess that they found us to be unpallatable. Nonetheless "Freedom of Speech" and "Expression" are clearly under fire, which means that we must redouble our efforts no matter what the money men think of this. It's good to be back gonzoids...
We are right now particularly looking out for pieces on the Federal Reserve (and central banks in general), the IRS, The Codex Alimentarius (which goes global 31st Dec 09) and related subjects and of course anything else that you deem to be important...
So We are still the unedited, online, ongoing magazine format that you know and love and rely on submissions...
And as always, if you want to be in touch, submit or get involved with the distribution of materials, then please email .