New York : Man arrested for "wandering with intent to buy drugs" and "resisting arrest"... and other signs of our times., c/o Dr. Z.
another scene., "you're under arrest" "what for" "it doesn't matter" .
man tasered in a cell
man refuses to sign a ticket... result ... it's taser time...
man strapped into chair tells police officers they are satan, he is beaten about the head while still tied into the chair...
did police strip search 8 yr old girl - they admit "taking off her pants" but later deny the claim they themselves made...
Dr. Zimbadean.
Ode to the Wise Reprobate., c/o : hazel stroud & the wandering Sufi dervish, w/ poem by Rumi.
Raised reason on a pedestal
But could not see from his
Great marble heights of crisp
Geometric blocks of logical precision,
That he was a moral pygmy.
He wrinkled up his nose
And screwed his mouth
Into a dog’s bottom
And uttered in breathy distain
“The truth is only accessible to great minds
With a higher understanding of
Convoluted and often arduously pedantic texts.”
Meanwhile a cantankerous layabout
Wallowed in the gutter,
Sheltered from the cold by a big whisky blanket
Belched out a profound epithet of much wisdom,
“It’s what you make of it”
He wheezed,
“My friend it’s what you make of it”.
one to watch., britt cormack of fashism..
censored bill hicks performance finally run on letterman... ...
"no i'm not the devil, i'm bluffing, it's two sixes and a nine, trying to get eighteen the hard way..." (bill hicks)
& here's Bill Hicks on the Rodney King trial and tapes... ...
happy hunting...
never fear street drumming will always be here., THE ART OF STREET DRUMMING... .,
& seriously if we could top that we would, oh, right, sorry have just been told by a loyal secretary that yes we can top that., enjoy.,
the master...
to see the world as a rythmn, an instrument to be played, to be in his mind just for a day..(?) ... try it, i think he wants you to...
dr. zimbadean., NY City.
from youtube., Col. Ralph Peters on terrorists...
Col. Ralph Peters on the "Gitmo" detainees... "terrorists are not human... like monsters they deserve to die..." Remember he says, "fight for human rights, kill terrorists..."
you truly have to question how far removed this man is from reality. he comes across like some middle management official in nazi germany bleating out wild and ridiculous assertions of the party line.
anyhow one has to examine this man's mindset. he and everything he stands for is a clearly a danger to society. he says he doesnt care about human rights... and that we should kill all terrorists - presumable without a trial especially in the cases where they are shot on site as he suggests they should be and to his apparent glee are being executed on site in every greater numbers...
most importantly you have to try to understand and actually accept that he is part of the establishment. then you have to ask yourself whether you yourself support this. if you find that you do not but realise that you do contribute directly or indirectly to the continued existence of that establishment you have to consider means of withholding that support.
In short there is something seriously wrong with this man and he ought to be detained himself.
They come in the name of Helping, a documentary c/o : Peter Brook., "a must see"...
The unsettling coexistence of extravagant material prosperity and abject poverty in our world has caused many well-intentioned people in the more prosperous countries to worry about the condition of the poor. This concern has caused private citizens, corporations and even governments to donate their time, money and resources to the cause of development and poverty alleviation. Despite this deluge of support and the vast crop of NGO’s that it spawned and continues to sustain, the western world has faced considerable difficulty in its attempts to translate these copious resources into concrete improvements in the lives of the world’s poor. To explain these shortcomings, the most insightful critics of western development efforts identify our lack of local knowledge and narrow-minded approach as the root of our repeated failure.
Most of the West’s knowledge about the people of the developing world, and Africans in particular, come from heart-wrenching but superficial newspaper articles and TV news stories about genocide, famine and child soldiering. Even those westerners who wish to understand the issues of poverty and development usually find themselves reading reports from the United Nations or the myriad of NGO’s that make it their work to ‘end poverty’. As with the mainstream media, it is outsiders who almost always author these reports, and they are often written to please the donors who sponsored the project in question. While many western scholars have written lengthy critiques of the development industry and recommendations for its reform, I wanted to see what development efforts look like from the perspective of those they are intended to benefit. I wanted to know if we could gain insights into improving and reforming our development efforts by simply listening to those people whose lives we have sought to change.
With this purpose, I traveled to Sierra Leone, the world’s second poorest country according to the UN development index, and began to ask young students about the effectiveness of foreign development programs. As I had expected, the opinions I heard differed substantially from the hopeful and often self-glorifying accounts given by NGO reports and UN documentaries. These are their stories.
the film : .
A must see. So do.
Vote for Barack Obama,,..
there aren't many songs that have a chorus "its necassary that he lead our nation..."
also a (n illegal...) immigrant friendly song for those who have yet to learn english...
classic.. let the party begin and you darling, you just concentrate on shaking those maracas and stop trying to fool anyone that you're not miming the words to this propeganda.....
(personally i think the video would be more effective if she were just sucking him off proper goat boy style for five minutes. much more convincing though i admit less entertaining...)
hector "hollywood" swanson...
a heart breaking speech from former attorney general of usa, Ramsey Clark...
worth a watch. may peace be with you my brothers and sisters.,
a dialogue... c/o : Arjuna., c/o : The World Mind Society...
Master; One method is the asking of two questions.
Q; What are these two questions?
M; Ask them thus, ‘What do you stand for?”, and, “What proof within your daily life demonstrates this?” The result of this questioning will show the quality of their soul and their mind.
Q; Why these two questions in particular?
M; The first, “What do you stand for?” reveals the core intent of a person away from the usual self indulgence, greed and selfishness of society, and toward a cause-oriented life of meaning. Those who stand for nothing can never be trusted, and the reason for this should be self evident. The second merely confirms the authenticity of those who claim that they DO stand for something. Know that those who have no answer to these questions at all, are likewise corrupt pretenders, who usually act AS THOUGH they cannot understand the purpose of the inquiry.
Q; But experience shows that the conversation will merely end upon the asking of such questions, since the few who say they stand for something can rarely demonstrate the truth of such an assertion.
M; Exactly so, and this ending should tell the practitioner that such a person is unworthy of further relations. The implications of such a reaction are the cause for asking in the first place.
Q; What implications are those?
M; Just as you said at first, that this is a time of corruption where no one can be truly trusted, where greed and selfishness rule the day, and where an extreme shallowness of mind is cultivated amongst the public.
Q; Why an extreme shallowness of mind?
M; Shallowness is used as a pseudo-defense against truth, under the auspice that the ignorant or the stupid are not to be held accountable for the continuing destruction of this world. This is also the case in the general lack of questioning regarding the status quo…the coward and the scoundrel seek ever to keep things as they are, no matter how degenerate that status quo.
Q; But of course, people ARE to be held accountable for this destruction since they ARE responsible for it. I suspect also that everyone must KNOW this already, or else they would not have developed such an elaborate psychological defense system against the truth.
M; This is perceptive of you. This falseness that so pervades the public is actually mass-dishonesty and mass-insanity renamed. Lack of honesty is the source of the modern rot, it is the cancer of the human spirit, degrading it below the level of the animal, and beyond the recognition of those who hold intelligence and wisdom dear.
Q; Why and how has this come about, for an otherwise noble humanity? M; The modern corruption is the result of cumulative bad decision-making, and the wrongful intention of humanity as a collective, over the period of centuries and millennia. This is both how and why our race is currently in the miserable condition that is the 21st century.
Q; But what is the mechanism of this self-wrought degradation?
M; In essence, the casual disregard and even contempt for the truth is a matter of decision, one that is based on the ideas that, 1) humanity is the center of the universe and can therefore do no wrong, 2) that as the center of divine intentions and physical forces, to be a human and to lie, is to actually tell the truth, since “we create our own reality”, and, 3) that nothing matters in the whole universe except how we feel or want to believe. To sum up these three things in a single phrase would be to say, “insane arrogance”.
Q; How is it that EVERYONE seems to conspire in this dishonest fashion, so as to defend the society they belong to, and their willing participation in a corrupt system? Why is it that no one will simply say, “I reject society”?
M; Much of the reason for this is simple terror. Although there are a great many who know modern society for what it is…pointless, unnatural, anti-spiritual and destructive, there are few indeed who have the inner fortitude to overcome their fear of social rejection or alienation. Add to this iron-clad conditioning of the mind to blindly follow any instruction given by “authority” through education, mass media, conditioned parenting, government influence and corporate manipulation, and you have a public that will literally do anything and say anything to maintain their way of life, even when that way is a daily agony to them and all that lives in nature.
Q; What you’re saying then, is that humanity is now in such a degree of denial that not only are they ignorant of the truth, but that this ignorance is by design and (un)conscious choice.
M, Yes, quite right. Humanity has already chosen its’ course, and that is suicide through the denial of truth. There is only the extremely rare person who has both the fortitude and the intellect to dare to question the status quo. There are fewer still who would actually take meaningful action upon this knowledge to live a better way. Of those few there are but a handful or less who recognize that the old ways will mean our certain destruction as a species, and who would advocate fundamental change to others as a spiritual calling.
Q; What of those who claim to be on a spiritual path, and yet have the same contempt for the facts when spoken?...which of course leads us to my original questions, “Upon meeting another, what is the enlightened person to do in a time of corruption, when no one can be trusted… when the public, who cannot even trust themselves, are interacted with?
M; There are many who claim to be spiritual, but the question to ask them is, “Are they still a willing part of a corrupt society?”, and also, “How do they rectify this inherent contradiction?” One does not light fires in the woods in their daily lifestyle, and then claim to be for the forest on the weekend. One does not bathe in poisons, and then cheerfully claim they are, “getting clean”. I would therefore caution any who would be sincere teachers of truth, to not expect anyone to ever listen to what they have to say, not even the supposedly, “spiritual-minded”. Most of those who say they are “spiritual” are merely using this word and concept, to disguise the fact that they are not genuinely good or spiritual persons. Spirituality to them is not a cause to live by daily, it is merely yet another extension of their unchecked egotism. This world is now summarily opposed to truth in any meaningful form, especially when it challenges the materialistic way of life, and what people have taught their own children to likewise follow. What Christ found in his crucifixion was also the fate of the common thief at the hands of an evil empire. What EVERY spiritual teacher of the past has found, is that false religion takes the place of unvarnished facts. What Christ and others learn from such experience, is that mankind is not ready for the truth, and is instead actively hostile to it. The modern person is not merely willfully ignorant, they do not merely deny. The modern person is actually an enemy of the truth, just as they are an enemy to nature and anything natural, which is based upon truth. They daily crucify truth on the cross of arbitrary beliefs and egotistical posturing. Such persons are hostile to logic, to anyone who is truly honest, and who speaks fact over pleasant fictions. Such persons are an enemy to all things truly spiritual. For in the spiritual resides the implication that the modern life is not a good one, that there is meaning beyond the human desire to trivialize and create arbitrary myths. The modern person strongly resents the implication therefore, that beyond all facades they are essentially NOT good people, and that the life goals they have dedicated themselves to have no meaning other than mutual and world destruction. This too is why the modern person is often times found hacking away at nature and everything in it with contempt. For within nature too is the implication of a higher order and purpose, higher than the self indulgence of consumerism (plants and animals as merely things to be used or destroyed at a whim) and the primitive egotism of fashion, fad and gossip magazine. Q; Any form of life that is reluctant to even admit that there is such a thing as truth has gone mad, denying the example set for them by their own bodies, and by the order of nature. Any species which is hostile to truth is doomed.
M; Quite right, and this fact will be made self evident in the next few years to come. There will increasingly be no place left to hide, in trivial gossip and small talk. For those who live and speak in such a way that echoes the mad belief that, “nothing matters” or “nothing need be changed” their karma shall be that they in turn are rendered irrelevant and cast aside, by the physical needs of evolution, and the spiritual will of God.
The World Mind Society
a date for you diaries....
well thats comforting.
two things to point out...
i) everyone they interviewed was within administration... &
ii) coincides nicely with obama's re-election campaign...
just a coincidence? we'll have to wait, but here at the gonzo media archives we suggest two things., first, get yourself down to the nearest bookie and place a bet on a biological attack somewhere in the world in 2013 and secondly, if you can, take a long holiday to the moon or perhaps the outer reaches of the solar system 2013 - bonuses include no need to write a postcard home...
and also an interesting note from before this warning issued above...
To the American people, and to peace loving individuals everywhere:
Massive evidence has come to our attention which shows that the backers, controllers, and allies of Vice President Dick Cheney are determined to orchestrate and manufacture a new 9/11 terror incident, and/or a new Gulf of Tonkin war provocation over the coming weeks and months. Such events would be used by the Bush administration as a pretext for launching an aggressive war against Iran, quite possibly with nuclear weapons, and for imposing a regime of martial law here in the United States. We call on the House of Representatives to proceed immediately to the impeachment of Cheney, as an urgent measure for avoiding a wider and more catastrophic war. Once impeachment has begun, it will be easier for loyal and patriotic military officers to refuse illegal orders coming from the Cheney faction. We solemnly warn the people of the world that any terrorist attack with weapons of mass destruction taking place inside the United States or elsewhere in the immediate future must be considered the prima facie responsibility of the Cheney faction. We urge responsible political leaders everywhere to begin at once to inoculate the public opinion of their countries against such a threatened false flag terror operation.
(Signed) A Group of US Opposition Political Leaders Gathered in Protest at the Bush Compound in Kennebunkport, Maine, August 24-25, 2007
welcome back gonzoids..
So after the small coup d'etat of the winter months we are back with new editors; namely the infamous Hector "Hollywood" Swanson who will keep the line open from L.A. while Dr. Zimbadean will hold the fort in London, UK.
Should be a good combo. Let's K.O. the lies of political snakes from both sides of the pond.
We will be continuing the Artists of the World Unite series, the next installment of which will go live in a week.
Aside this expect gonzo journalism and all the other poetic-prose that the Gonzo Media Archives entail as well as snap shots of the cultural degredation we are seeing at the hands of the Federal Reserve and other privately owned Central Banks world wide that are turning this great planet into a Nazi wet dream.
Happy Hunting.