New York : Man arrested for "wandering with intent to buy drugs" and "resisting arrest"... and other signs of our times., c/o Dr. Z.

Police demanded that a man zip up his jacket, after doing so the police beat him, and arrested him for "wandering with intent to buy drugs and resisting arrest"...

another scene., "you're under arrest" "what for" "it doesn't matter" .

man tasered in a cell

man refuses to sign a ticket... result ... it's taser time...

man strapped into chair tells police officers they are satan, he is beaten about the head while still tied into the chair...

did police strip search 8 yr old girl - they admit "taking off her pants" but later deny the claim they themselves made...

Dr. Zimbadean.

Ode to the Wise Reprobate., c/o : hazel stroud & the wandering Sufi dervish, w/ poem by Rumi.

The lofty enlightenment philosopher,
Raised reason on a pedestal
But could not see from his
Great marble heights of crisp
Geometric blocks of logical precision,
That he was a moral pygmy.
He wrinkled up his nose
And screwed his mouth
Into a dog’s bottom
And uttered in breathy distain
“The truth is only accessible to great minds
With a higher understanding of
Convoluted and often arduously pedantic texts.”
Meanwhile a cantankerous layabout
Wallowed in the gutter,
Sheltered from the cold by a big whisky blanket
Belched out a profound epithet of much wisdom,
“It’s what you make of it”
He wheezed,
“My friend it’s what you make of it”.
There are wild wandering Sufis
called Qalandars,
who are constantly tickled with life.
It's scandalous how they love and laugh
at any small event.
People gossip about them, and that
makes them deft in their cunning,
but really
a great God-wrestling goes on
inside these wanderers,
a flood of sunlight
that's drunk with the whole thing...

one to watch., britt cormack of fashism..


censored bill hicks performance finally run on letterman...

this performance was originally censored from the letterman show after it had been recorded. it turned out that the owners of the program and station were "pro-lifers"... and christians... anyway, letterman apologises, and runs the original performance, ...

"no i'm not the devil, i'm bluffing, it's two sixes and a nine, trying to get eighteen the hard way..." (bill hicks)

& here's Bill Hicks on the Rodney King trial and tapes... ...

happy hunting...


never fear street drumming will always be here., THE ART OF STREET DRUMMING...

you cannae kill the art... "i am the art, you are the art, we are the art..." .,


& seriously if we could top that we would, oh, right, sorry have just been told by a loyal secretary that yes we can top that., enjoy.,

the master...

to see the world as a rythmn, an instrument to be played, to be in his mind just for a day..(?) ... try it, i think he wants you to...
but above all else will someone please buy this fucker a drum kit...

dr. zimbadean., NY City.

from youtube., Col. Ralph Peters on terrorists...

Col. Ralph Peters on the "Gitmo" detainees... "terrorists are not human... like monsters they deserve to die..." Remember he says, "fight for human rights, kill terrorists..."

you truly have to question how far removed this man is from reality. he comes across like some middle management official in nazi germany bleating out wild and ridiculous assertions of the party line.

anyhow one has to examine this man's mindset. he and everything he stands for is a clearly a danger to society. he says he doesnt care about human rights... and that we should kill all terrorists - presumable without a trial especially in the cases where they are shot on site as he suggests they should be and to his apparent glee are being executed on site in every greater numbers...

most importantly you have to try to understand and actually accept that he is part of the establishment. then you have to ask yourself whether you yourself support this. if you find that you do not but realise that you do contribute directly or indirectly to the continued existence of that establishment you have to consider means of withholding that support.

In short there is something seriously wrong with this man and he ought to be detained himself.


They come in the name of Helping, a documentary c/o : Peter Brook., "a must see"...

Call For Respect And Humility

The unsettling coexistence of extravagant material prosperity and abject poverty in our world has caused many well-intentioned people in the more prosperous countries to worry about the condition of the poor. This concern has caused private citizens, corporations and even governments to donate their time, money and resources to the cause of development and poverty alleviation. Despite this deluge of support and the vast crop of NGO’s that it spawned and continues to sustain, the western world has faced considerable difficulty in its attempts to translate these copious resources into concrete improvements in the lives of the world’s poor. To explain these shortcomings, the most insightful critics of western development efforts identify our lack of local knowledge and narrow-minded approach as the root of our repeated failure.
Most of the West’s knowledge about the people of the developing world, and Africans in particular, come from heart-wrenching but superficial newspaper articles and TV news stories about genocide, famine and child soldiering. Even those westerners who wish to understand the issues of poverty and development usually find themselves reading reports from the United Nations or the myriad of NGO’s that make it their work to ‘end poverty’. As with the mainstream media, it is outsiders who almost always author these reports, and they are often written to please the donors who sponsored the project in question. While many western scholars have written lengthy critiques of the development industry and recommendations for its reform, I wanted to see what development efforts look like from the perspective of those they are intended to benefit. I wanted to know if we could gain insights into improving and reforming our development efforts by simply listening to those people whose lives we have sought to change.
With this purpose, I traveled to Sierra Leone, the world’s second poorest country according to the UN development index, and began to ask young students about the effectiveness of foreign development programs. As I had expected, the opinions I heard differed substantially from the hopeful and often self-glorifying accounts given by NGO reports and UN documentaries. These are their stories.

the film : .

A must see. So do.